Friday 23 September 2011

In which I'm Legal! [LIFE!] [IMG HEAVY]

Yes! You heard right! I'm now 21 and therefore can do all the crazy things many american freshman dream of doing... but I can do cause I'm old and not a freshman - ha! My birthday was amazing. I can't even express how awesome and crazy and beautiful and amazing and everything else it was. People here are amazing and lovely and aaah! I'm just so overwhelmed with happiness and I can't believe how awesome it all was. Tonight I'm heading to a Nerd themed frat party so that should be INSANE but for now I have a few pictures of what my room looked like. Yes, I kept mentioning this on twitter and facebook and finally I have pictures.

All pictures are taken from the morning after since there were so many people in my room and I didn't get a chance to whip out the camera and snap pictures of everything. I'll try and swipe from others on Facebook and share them on my wall there.

Now on to the pictures!

This scrapbook was Kimiko's idea and it's amazing!!!!

My I-Pal is hilarious (no sarcasm)!

GoEun & Me <3

Winny is from Thailand and an amazing person

Rita bought me the four season!!!

Gifts from everyone!

From Whinny! He's called Shelbie!


Claudia said...

Awww how cute!! :D

Hazel Callan said...

Seriously Claudia it was amazing!!

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