Friday 27 May 2011

To the Stage My Heart is Beat Beat Beat Beating [BJD]

I've just put Haz into my SD doll carrier -squees- and he's ready to be opened on Sunday with my doll friends. I can NOT state enough how amazing a company Crobidoll are. Not only did Haz ship within two weeks, they also sent a little surprise along with Haz (something I didn't expect. At all. Omfg, I love it so so much).

Sneak peak pictures within. Well, just the start of the box opening.
L-R: Dollzone, Fairyland, Angelheim & Crobidoll

So I had to taking Haz from the shipping box and the company box so I could place him into the doll carrier. This way he was still wrapping up for the rest of the opening on Sunday. I have Clair as a witness - although sorely tempted I didn't open him at all! Not even a sneak peak! Promise!

Eee~ Beautiful purple box. I was squee'n over this box pretty badly. Absolutely gorgeous. Smell of resin wasn't too bad here. I remember when I was opening Kanguk last year (*´▽`*) he smelled so nice of resin even in the shipping. Yum.

Doll: HAZ Owner: HAZel Callan (love that we share that)

I took Ash's wig out to try it on my floaty/practice head. GORGEOUS WIG!

Now on to the bit I was NOT expecting. In Haz's box was a brown envelope. I had no idea what was in it but ohmyfrackingshisus!! I love love love Crobidoll haha.


I SWEAR I about died here from squealing!! Clair was on cam to me and had to witness the whole fangirling thing. Haha. I honestly feel like I've gotten something from my idols!! Still grinning like an idiot.

And so the rest of him is safely tucked away in my doll carrier until I get to open him.

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